
Let the (Elimination) Games Begin!!

I have officially eliminated 2 guys from my squad (as I like to affectionately refer to it lol). Ok so let me back up just a smidgen...
Last week I started feeling this need for some real me time... clean slate... no men.. just ME!! I realized that I'm not at a place in my life where I am happy. I was feeling a little rut-like.. a little stuck, a little mouse in a maze that he can't get out of... I realized I need to make some changes and eliminations in regards to people and situations. One of the first things that came to my mind was men... its funny because I finally for the past few months have been ready to be in a relationship and dating with that intention.. anywho, so I came to conclusion that for 1 month I need to be completely man-less.. no boo's, no late night chill sessions, no kisses, no sexin, no nothing. On top of that, I need to completely let go of the current men in my life b/c after 3-5 months none of them have made any serious moves to lock it down... and I'm tired of wasting time. Its time to just do me. I realized that since I've started dating boys.. (in HS) I have never been completely devoid of men. There was always at least one residual, or one new, or one on again off again. With all that going on.. when have I had time to really just focus on me?! Never. Therefore... I have decided to let all of the old go. Numbers are getting deleted, emails have already begun to get sent out, some txt msgs may go out, calls are going to be left unanswered... Its time to move forward.
So.. this morning 2 emails went out.. one to Mr. Texas officially letting him know "Yes, I'm done.. just so you don't have to ask me in a month." (i literally said that). Another one was sent to Mr. AK (yeah he was another one... he was better than Texas, but still had to go). I was going to atleast tell AK on the phone, but he seems to be having trouble returning phone calls again.. (he goes through that phase once every couple weeks.. it gets very old). Thus, he too received an email.
The hardest part of this is going to be eliminating those guys who I have a legitimate friendship with.. on top of whatever romantic/sexual history we have... I am like horrible at breakups of any kind... I could barely quit my job when I did... maybe i'll send a mass email... lol. IDK.. but I have to make some stuff happen by July 1... because for the month of July... I'm focusing on me... I don't know what that means for Mr. Chef either..