
The Saga of Mr. Sensitive...Part 2 (Summer Lovin..)

Please forgive me for the delay in posting part 2 my friends... 

So where did I leave off?? Ah yes.. the warning phone call after our first hook up.. 
Okay, so despite what dear Mr. Sensitive said about it not turning into anything, the next weekend he was back in my town for.. some reason I can't remember. Whatever his initial plans were though, he changed them and came to work with me that night.  I was bartending at a club about 35mins away and I guess he just couldn't bare to leave me.. hahaha.. He spent the night that night and then ended up staying at my house for a majority of the next day until I had to go to a study group. Needless to say, he was pretty smitten by the end of the weekend. I was still... hesitant for lack of a better word.  

The next weekend was graduation and both me and his BFF were graduating so I knew he was gonna be in town, but he was still trying to act like maybe he wasn't. Idk.. so he came up that Friday night and met up with me and my friends downtown (I think thats how it went.. I was pretty smashed haha!) and then came back to my house.. surprise surprise! It was actually a really good thing he did, because I might've missed my graduation otherwise! lol. Anywho.. he was all sentimental when I left blah blah..it was kind of cute.. but still I wasn't 100% there yet. Then came graduation... had a bit of a falling out right before graduation with two of my close friends and it pretty much ruined my whole day..womp womp.. called Mr. S to talk about it and he came right over to the house... we talked and laughed and he cheered me up some.. but what pushed me to the 100% point with him was the following: I had my grad party to go to at home (1hr away) and he had his BFF's grad party to go to in his hometown that afternoon.. but when he saw how upset I was about the incident at graduation he told me that if I didn't want to go home he would just stay there with me instead of going to his friend's party.. it may not sound like much, but if you knew him, you'd know that was a lot.. so then I became smitten right along with him..

So I ended up going home.. had fun with the fam.. got drunk again and passed out lol.. enjoyed Mother's Day w/my mom and then went back to school.. if I got back to my house at 5:30.. he was there by 7 (he had gone back to his home also so.. yeah he came back).  He skipped work the next day and hung out with me.. and it was like that most of the summer. He came down on weekends.. in the middle of the week, whenever he wanted to see me basically. Sometimes he called out of work, and sometimes he would just wake up extra early to be at work. We had fun.. we  genuinely enjoyed being around each other... it was almost perfect... 

Now I need to point out that from the beginning we both had intentions of moving out of state at the end of the summer. Me to Boston and him to California. So I was never in the dark about his plans or anything like that. I will say that I had a little fantasy that maybe he would want to stay because of me.. but in time I learned that was never an option even if he had thought about it.  Okay now back to the story..

Sometime in July he took a trip to California. I didn't really think much of it at first because I knew he had some friends out there. Then, once he was there he didn't call, text, or answer the phone. I was more than a little perturbed. He was gone for maybe 5 days.. and when he got back his explanation was that he went into total vacation mode and wasn't taking calls or anything. I wasn't buying it, but I couldn't make a big deal of it since we weren't exactly a couple or anything. Few days went by and I just let it ride because he went right back to being his old self again. Then I went up to NY for a weekend to visit my dad and we talked maybe once. I called him when I got back and he was at work so we chatted briefly. About an hour later there was a knock on my door.. he drove down since he got off of work early!! It was a very sweet surprise although I was a little annoyed because my house was a mess! I had to move out of my place in a couple weeks b/c my lease was ending so we made the most of those few weeks.. I had gotten a job in the city and was commuting so we both would wake up early and leave for work and he would come back at night.. once again things were on the up & up. Moving weekend came and at first he seemed like he wasn't going to come through at all.. but there he was Friday night. We went out, had fun came home did minimal packing lol... The next morning my mom came to take some stuff so he helped us move stuff (including my bed... womp womp). He was supposed to leave Saturday afternoon, but he stayed and slept on the floor with me that night. Sunday we said our goodbyes.. leaving things kind of uncertain.. because neither one of us knew how things would turn out after that point. I was going to live with my grandmother for the time being.. and he was at his mom's house for the interim before he moved..

And I think that's where I'm going to leave off for today.. the next part is gonna be a little hard for me to write about because its where the heartbreak comes in.. sorry guys!! I promise I will post it sooner than I did this one!!

As always, if you want to get in touch with me -->drop me a line here itsmisspisces@gmail.com <---

*Miss Pisces*

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