
Starter Post...

So, I have thought about starting a blog for... quite quite quite some time but always ran into a few thoughts that would stop me: a.) privacy (i only like for certain people to be in my business...lol) b.)content (am I really interesting enough for other people to read about?) c.) okay... there's no c, those were my only thoughts. lol.. oh ok here's c.)grammar ( sometimes (all the times) I don't write the in the most grammatically correct way).

It is for those reasons why this will be an anonymous blog. I probably won't share this address with any of my friends or acquaintences (save for my bestfriend.. she passes no judgement EVER).

So, to those of you who happen to run across this blog and decide to continue checking me out... first let me say Thanks =)... second... Enjoy... I am not the most interesting person out there, but I also know I am not the most boring... my life has a little spice to it! Feel free to comment..

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